Gold Shows are a great way to put on a show for a big group. Many members pitch in to try to reach the goal so the show can start. Each member must contribute a minimum amount of Gold to see the show.
Qualifying for Gold Shows
In order to offer Gold Shows, your account must meet the requirements (see Qualify for More Options). If you see the “GOLD” icon at the top of the page, your account has been approved for Gold Shows.
Starting a Gold Show
If your account is approved for Gold Shows, begin a show in Party Chat and click the GOLD icon at the top of the screen (if you are not in Party Chat, the icon will be grey and won’t begin a Gold Show). Choose the minimum amount members must pay to join the show, the total amount you want to earn before the show will begin, and the amount of time to raise the money. After writing a brief topic for your show, hit “Start Request” to being the pre-gold show! Read our Gold Show Tutorials for a more detailed look at setting up your show.
If you hit your goal, you have 90 seconds to begin your show. If you don’t hit your goal, you can still start your show any time before the counter reaches zero. If you cancel the show or don’t start before time runs out, you won’t earn any of the money you raised.
During the Show
When the show begins, everyone who contributed will automatically join the show. Members can still pay and join in after the show begins! Members will be billed for the show after it is completed.
If Your Show is Disconnected
The amount you earn from a Gold Show is not received until after the Gold Show finishes. If your stream disconnects for any reason, the members will not be charged and you will not receive any of the Gold. Unlike block sessions, there is no way to resume the show later. This is part of the reason we only allow established performers with good ratings and solid connections to use Gold Shows.
If you have been disconnected from multiple Gold shows, read through the Troubleshooting Help Document and follow the instructions. If you continue having issues, message support and we’ll look into the issue. In the meantime, we recommend sticking to pay-per-minute chats and block sessions that will not result in lost income.