
Improving Your Audio

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Shows that include audio are much more popular than silent shows. Audio is a requirement for Gold Shows and TV Broadcasts. But having audio and using it well are two different things – try some of these tips to help make your show stand out.


Try to film in an area free of background noise and distractions. This helps your viewers hear you better, and helps you keep your attention on the chat room.


Feel free to play music while streaming. Choose music that fits the mood of your room or shows off your personality. Anything from slow sexy music to fast music that makes you want to dance can be a great way to spice things up. Music can also help mask background noise happening outside your streaming area. Just make sure your music isn’t too loud, or your viewers won’t be able to hear your voice during chat.

Please note that music is not allowed during TV Broadcasts or when recording video. Make sure to turn the music off before a TV Gold Show begins or you’ll be pulled off the air.


It’s a good idea to check your audio and make sure your voice is loud and clear. Check the manual for your mic or webcam to make sure everything’s set up properly. Contact the manufacturer if you have any questions.

If your voice sounds quiet, check your mic or webcam manual to see if you are using the recommended audio settings. If you have a mic that is separate from your camera, it will be easier to move during streaming to make sure it’s picking up your sound.