
Unable to Start a Show

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start show

Read any of the topics below to find improvements or solutions to the problem you’re experiencing.

Unable to Start Streaming

  1. Verify that your account is approved and active.
  2. Verify you have the latest version of Flash installed.
  3. Ensure pop-up blocker software is not installed/turned on.
  4. Close all applications, turn off machine, disconnect and reconnect network cables to ensure tight connections, and restart machine.

Unable to Start a Gold Show

Gold Shows are reserved for established performers with high-quality shows. Your account will automatically get this feature when you meet the requirements.

Click here to read more about qualification.

Unable to Start a TV Broadcast

TV broadcasts are requested by producers; you can’t start one on your own. Requests appear while you are streaming if your account qualifies and you have opted-in. TV broadcasts are reserved for established performers with high-quality shows. You will see an opt-in notification at the top of your Dashboard when you meet the requirements.

Click here to read more about qualification.

If your problem is not listed, or if you continue to have issues after following these steps, report the problem to Support.