
Check Your Settings to See If You Can Stream in HD

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Before you can broadcast in HD with high quality audio and video, check that your equipment meets the following requirements.

Requirement 1: Processor Speed

You will need a Mac or PC with an i5, i7 or equivalent (AMD, etc.) processor. To check your processor speed.

For Windows users


  1. Click the Start button.
  2. Right click “My Computer” or “Computer.”
  3. Click “Properties.”

For Mac users


  1. Click the Apple icon (top left).
  2. Click “About This Mac.”

Requirement 1: Camera Resolution

Your cam will need to be able to stream at a resolution of at least 640×360 (for widescreen cameras), or 640×480 (for cameras with no widescreen option).

For best results, a camera that can stream in a high quality widescreen (16:9) is preferred. If you don’t have a widescreen camera, no problem – the external encoder will adjust the video to be in widescreen format.

Requirement 1: Internet Speed

You’ll need an internet connection with sufficient bandwidth. Go to for a quick, free check of your internet speed. Once complete, verify that your upload speed is at least 0.6 Mb/s.

Download the Encoder